High five to Resolute: Marking five years of modernization and achievements

At the beginning of April, Resolute celebrated its fifth trip around the sun. Looking back, we are proud to have made significant progress with our projects, clients, and partnerships.
But wait, there's more – we've scaled numerous peaks and claimed prestigious awards. Our team of exceptional experts continues to grow. We've united in our shared passion for collective projects, and beyond that, we've bonded through shared enjoyment, exploring new hobbies, and deepening our friendships.
Five awards for the 5th anniversary: A remarkable success
As a birthday surprise, Resolute has been honoured with five prestigious HeartCount awards. Across categories like "Wellbeing," "Feedback," "Output," "Satisfaction," and "Development," these awards stand as pillars of success and growth for both our employees and the company itself. That marks the fourth straight year that Resolute has been recognized at the Heartcount and received the "People first company" award. It's a testament to our dedication to be a top-tier business and remarkable spirit company. Our success comes from creating a place where experts work with enthusiasm and clients value partnering with us.
During the latest reporting period, Resolute achieved a remarkable milestone with 100% positive employee feedback regarding managers' support for teams, trust among colleagues, and autonomy in work tasks.
"For another year, we have received this significant recognition from Heartcount. The categories in which we are honoured as leaders are essential to us because these are areas in which we make great efforts and thrive for success. I am happy to see that we are doing the right things, and when that happens, success is inevitable," says Hristo Georgiev, CEO.

New site, new heights
In our iconic fifth year, Resolute raised the bar not just for our clients and partners but also for ourselves. Our website underwent a top-to-bottom transformation. We delved deep into design thinking, putting ourselves in our users' shoes, challenging assumptions, and crafting innovative solutions. Following the five-step design thinking process, we ensured our site was not just eye candy but also a joy to use.
Under the hood, our CMS has been overhauled to ensure a smoother user experience. Navigating our site is now effortless, allowing users to explore our services and success stories easily. Despite the challenges of simultaneously managing old and new sites, our collaborative efforts have paid off. Our designers could unleash their creativity while our tech team built the site from scratch using Blazоr.
In just a year, we've achieved our goal of creating a modern and sophisticated site that embodies Resolute's spirit of innovation.
Speaking of modernization, we can't overlook our podcast, "Modernization Accepted." Here, we meet experts from the IT industry, discuss current topics, solutions and case studies.

Driven by values
Guided by our philosophy and values, Resolute's team embarked on a campaign to foster the sharing of favourite hobbies with colleagues. During our #DrivenByValues initiatives, we played board games, went to escape rooms, walked in nature, and had a lot of fun. One of our talented developers composed a heartfelt song dedicated to Resolute and its remarkable people. Now, it's a favourite song that everyone sings at gatherings. United by a spirit of friendship, we engage in diverse activities that strengthen bonds and spark new interests. Colleagues with diverse hobbies generously shared their passions, inviting us to immerse ourselves in their worlds. From captivating theatre productions to knitting workshops, we embrace the joy of shared experiences and make deeper connections within our team. But that`s not all! This year we decided to pay attention to the value of health, which is the most important to us. We started making a healthy breakfast at the office. In addition to nutritious food, during snacks, we also "consume" valuable knowledge. We talk about different topics related to nutrients, bad and good habits, and sports. Each of us share our personal rituals and successful approaches to being healthy.
Up, up, hooray for Resolute's 5-year journey!
Resolute celebrated its 5th anniversary with much emotion and excitement. Our birthday party was called a time trip. The week leading up to the festivities was filled with sweet surprises, gifts, and laughter as we reminisced four years' milestones. On April 1st, all Resoluters shared the joy with families and colleagues, marking the occasion with a festive mood that echoed throughout the office. With five cakes and a cooking show, the day was filled with smiles. All will surely remember this special celebration of Resolute as we keep moving forward to achieve even greater heights and galaxies.